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Alley Catss + Bálint Bolcsó & Attila Gyárfás

February 13, 2024, 21:00

Double Concert!

ALLEY CATSS, one of Janky Máté's alter egos, presents his solo music project. Experimental and always seeking new paths in electronic music, it evokes various genres without committing to any one. Máté's performances are predominantly improvisational, offering an ever-evolving and highly exciting musical journey.

BOLCSÓ BÁLINT & GYÁRFÁS ATTILA have a longstanding collaboration, having worked together in numerous musical projects (such as the Quelquefois band) and even released a joint album in this duo formation. In their electro-acoustic, entirely improvisational formation, Attila not only plays the drums but also utilizes electronics (mostly triggered by drum bodies), while Bálint, in his usual manner, alternately tickles and chokes the vocals out of the Alien.

Belépő kettőezer ötszáz forint, mellyel teljes egészében fellépőinket és programjaink megvalósulását támogatod!

Pre-sale tickets: 2200 HUF Entry at the venue can only be purchased with cash, priced at 2500 HUF, contributing entirely to support our performers and the realization of our programs!

If possible, please consider purchasing a SUPPORTER TICKET to further assist in bringing our concerts to life, with an amount higher than the regular ticket price! Thank you! Please support our work on the Volumen Music Foundation - Support Us page.

The realization of the Lumen Café's musical season is supported by the NKA Hangfoglaló Program.


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